Is Cigar Country Legit? A Comprehensive Review

Overview of Cigar Country

Is Cigar Country Legit ? Cigar Country is an online retailer specializing in premium cigars and accessories. They’ve been around for several years and offer a wide range of popular and exclusive cigar brands.

Is Cigar Country Legit

User Reviews and Experiences

Reviews of Cigar Country are mixed. Some customers praise the high-quality cigars and efficient customer service, while others have concerns about the company’s legitimacy.

Pricing and Value Concerns

One major criticism is pricing. Some customers have noted that cigars on website are significantly more expensive than those from other online retailers or local cigar shops. Additionally, there’s an 18% tax that many find steep.

Authenticity and Freshness of Cigars

Another concern is the authenticity and freshness of the cigars. Some reviews suggest that the cigars might be stale or not as high-quality as advertised.


Based on customer feedback, the legitimacy of this website is questionable. While they offer a wide selection of cigars, concerns about pricing, value, and product authenticity are significant. It’s wise to be cautious when considering a purchase from Cigar Country. Exploring alternative online cigar retailers with better reputations might be a safer bet.

For more details visit Cigar Country . And also if you wanna read more reviews checkout our website.


Is Cigar Country a legitimate company?
The legitimacy of this site is questionable due to mixed reviews on pricing, value, and cigar authenticity.

Are the cigars sold by this site authentic and fresh?
Some customers have raised concerns about the freshness and authenticity of the cigars, suggesting they might be stale or of lower quality.

Is it overpriced compared to other cigar retailers?
Yes, several customers report that Cigar Country’s prices are significantly higher than those of other online retailers or local shops.

Should I trust it for my cigar purchases?
Given the mixed reviews and concerns, it’s best to be cautious and consider other online cigar retailers with better reputations.

What are the best alternatives to this site?
Consider other well-known and reputable online cigar retailers like Cigars International, Thompson Cigar, or JR Cigar, which generally have more positive customer reviews.

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